Posts made in February 2018

Setting Trends With Top Social Media Influencer Simonetta Lein

“Setting trends is a state of mind. #BackToTheFuture” – Simonetta Lein

Simonetta Lein was just chosen to host the amazing Silver & Gold Winter Gala at Bowery Hotel in New York for IVY The Social University, She is putting the final touches on her tv show, and getting ready to set trends with some big ambassadorship campaigns. On top of all of that, Simonetta is always looking for those stories that can impact the world. 2018 totally ROCKS and she stands by the notion that “Together We Can Make A Difference.”


Keep up with Simonetta:

Pictures by Robert Jegabbi
Style by Ninorta Malke
Hairstyle by Arjeta Quereti
Makeup by Greis Milla
#ootd provided by Dreams On Air
Top By Byron Lars
Pants By Malaika
Skirt By Jacqueline Then

Benefit Gala for Detroit Children’s Choir

The Motown Mansion is the first event hosted in the former home of Barry Gordy to benefit The Detroit Children’s Choir. The Detroit Children’s Choir is a non-profit, teaching music education to Detroit children that is also putting music programs back in schools.

The event is Saturday, April 28th from 5-10 PM at 918 W Boston Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202

Detroit Children’s Choir Website:

J.D. Power × Network Quality

Photo Credit: Google Images

J.D. Power has just issued the release for its U.S. Wireless Network Quality Performance Study–Volume 1 for 2018, based on the responses of 38,595 wireless customers (phones, tablets, and mobile broadband devices) from July through December 2017.

Below are some of the key findings of the study:

·         Unlimited data continues to improve customer perception of quality: Unlimited data plan customers experience an average of 11 overall network quality problems per 100 connections (PP100) vs. an average of 13 PP100 among customers with data allowances. They also experience a lower incidence of data problems (15 PP100 vs. 17PP100).

·         Bring your own device (BYOD) customers experience higher incidence of network quality problems: Overall network quality for customers who brought their own device is 12 PP100 vs. 11 PP100 for those who paid their carrier in full or in installments for a device. This difference in overall network quality is driven by gaps in calling quality (14 PP100 among those who brought their own device vs. 13 PP100 among those who purchased a device from their carrier) and data quality (17 PP100 vs. 15 PP100).

·         Phone age not really a factor: The average age of a phone brought to a carrier is 19 months vs. 14 months for phones that were purchased through the carrier. However, network quality does not necessarily decline with phone age. Phones less than a year and a half old are associated with 12 PP100 vs. 10 PP100 among phones 18 months or older, suggesting that some quality issues may be caused by network optimization issues and not the age of the phone.

As usual, the different carriers were also ranked. Verizon Wireless ranks highest in all six regions covered in the study, with better PP100 scores than the regional averages in call quality, messaging quality and data quality. U.S. Cellular ranks highest in a tie with Verizon Wireless in the North Central region.

Diabetes × 11 Motivational Tips

Fight Your Diabetes and Finally Get Fit in 2018:

11 Motivational Tips for Getting Started

If you suffer from diabetes or prediabetes, being a couch potato is particularly dangerous to your health. Here, the American Diabetes Association and Dr. Sheri R. Colberg explain why staying fit is crucial to managing this disease—and offer 11 tips to get you excited about exercising just in time for the new year

Now that 2018 is finally here, you’ve decided that this year you’re finally going to better manage your diabetes, starting with that dreaded word: exercise. According to Sheri R. Colberg, PhD, FACSM, if you suffer from diabetes or are at risk for developing the disease, deciding to commit to fitness could be a real lifesaver. That’s why it’s more important than ever that you make sure this resolution sticks.

“Considering that more than 29 million people have diabetes and 84.1 million American adults have prediabetes, it’s crucial that a large number of people make lifestyle changes for the sake of their health,” says Dr. Colberg, who partnered with the American Diabetes Association to write the new book Diabetes & Keeping Fit For Dummies® (Wiley, February 2018, ISBN: 978-1-119-36324-8, $22.99).

“If you have diabetes or are at risk of developing it, exercising regularly is the single most important thing you can do to keep your blood glucose levels in check, reduce your risk of developing complications, and slow down the aging process,” she adds. “And the new year is the perfect time to commit to doing more physical activity.”

Although having diabetes increases your risk of getting health problems that can greatly reduce your quality of life, Dr. Colberg says you can fight back by keeping fit. Exercise enhances your body’s sensitivity to insulin. Many chronic diseases in addition to type 2 diabetes are associated with reductions in your insulin action, like hypertension and heart disease. Exercise may also enhance your body’s ability to produce more insulin. Plus, it lowers your risk of premature death, heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis, and severe arthritic symptoms.

Make some extra money on the side. Did you know you could sell your diabetic test strips and receive quick cash in return? Online companies (such as will buy your test strips at great rates, allowing you to make some extra revenue on the side. Living with diabetes can get costly, so this is something you might want to consider.

“Beyond just the physical benefits, exercise can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional health as well by lessening feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression,” she adds. “Being active can also positively affect your self-confidence, body image, and self-esteem.”

Knowing all those benefits may not be enough to get you motivated to start exercising more. So many find that the hardest part can be trying to find the motivation to begin. Read on for Dr. Colberg’s tips to get you moving in the new year and beyond.

Choose activities you enjoy. It’s human nature to avoid doing the things you really don’t like to do. If you absolutely hate running, it’s probably not the best activity to choose to get started with. Most people need exercise to be fun, or they lose their motivation to do it over time. By actually having fun with your activities, you will more easily make them a permanent and integral part of your routine. Try picking activities you truly enjoy, such as salsa dancing or golfing (as long as you walk and carry your own clubs).

“Maybe you haven’t found any activities that you enjoy much,” says Dr. Colberg. “If that’s the case, choose some new ones to take out for a test run (so to speak). Also, be sure to choose an exercise that suits your physical condition and overcomes or works around your limitations.”

Start off with easier activities. Dr. Colberg warns that exercising too hard right out of the gate will likely leave you discouraged or injured—especially if you haven’t exercised in a while. Instead, start slowly with easier activities and progress cautiously toward working out harder.

“If you often find yourself saying that you are too tired to exercise, your lack of physical activity is likely what’s making you feel sluggish,” says Dr. Colberg. “But after you begin doing even light or moderate activities, your energy levels rise along with your fitness, and your physical (and mental) health improves.”

Check your blood glucose for added motivation. When starting a new exercise, use your blood glucose meter or continuous glucose monitor to check your blood glucose before, during (if you’re active for more than an hour), and after your workout. Why? A reading that changes—especially in the direction that you want it to—can be very rewarding and motivating. You will be able to see evidence of real results. If you don’t check, you may never realize what a positive impact you can have on your diabetes simply by being active.

“Let’s say your blood glucose is a little high after you eat a meal, and you want it to go lower without taking (or releasing) any more insulin,” says Dr. Colberg. “You can exercise after your meal and bring your blood glucose down within two hours after eating and taking insulin, or you can avoid or lower post-meal spikes in your blood glucose. You wouldn’t know the extent of the effect you can have without using your blood glucose meter or continuous glucose monitor to check.”

Spice up your routine. One of the chief complaints about exercise is that it is boring. Feelings of boredom with your program can be the result of repeating the same exercises each day. To keep it fresh, Dr. Colberg suggests trying different physical activities for varying durations and at different intensities. Just knowing that you don’t have to do the same workout day after day is motivating by itself.

“You may want to do a variety of activities on a weekly basis, an approach known as cross-training,” says Dr. Colberg. “For example, you can walk on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but swim on Tuesday and take dance classes on Saturday. In addition to staving off boredom, adding variety to your workouts has many other advantages as well, such as using different muscles so more muscles get the benefit of exercise training.”

Find an exercise buddy (or several). You don’t have to go it alone when being active. Having a regular exercise buddy keeps you accountable, increases your likelihood of participating, and also makes your activities more social and fun. Get your spouse, family members, friends, and co-workers to join in your physical activities. Having a good social network to support your new or renewed exercise habit helps you adhere to it over the long run.

“Your community may be a good place to look for other exercise options,” says Dr. Colberg. “Take the time to find out what’s available in your area. You can often find groups of health-conscious people walking together during lunch breaks, or you may be able to join a low-impact aerobics or other exercise class offered at your workplace, community center, or recreation center. The more you can get involved in making your lifestyle changes a part of a larger community, the more likely you are to be successful in making them a lifelong habit.”

Set goals… Setting goals can help keep your interest up and be a great motivator. For instance, if you walk for exercise, you may want to get a pedometer and set a goal of adding in 2,000 more steps each day. But when laying out your fitness goals, be realistic and avoid setting unreachable goals that will sabotage you from the start. That said, if you do have large goals, great! Break them down into smaller, realistic stepping stones (such as daily and weekly physical activity goals). This will help keep you on track and keep you from becoming too overwhelmed with trying to accomplish your goal.

“Using a fitness tracker, activity log, or fitness app may also be a good idea for helping you reach your exercise goals,” says Dr. Colberg. “Figure out what works best for you.”

…And don’t forget to reward yourself. Having goals is great, but with no reward, what motivation do you have for reaching them? When you reach an exercise goal, be sure to reward yourself (but preferably not with food!).

“No one ever said that sticker charts and non-food treats are just for kids,” says Dr. Colberg. “Maybe you can promise yourself an outing to somewhere special, the purchase of a coveted item, or another treat that is reasonable and effectively motivates you to exercise. If you do miss one of your goals, try to make the rest of them happen anyway. Then reward yourself when you meet any of your goals, even if you don’t make them all happen.”

Have a Plan B ready just in case. Always have a backup plan that includes other activities you can do in case of inclement weather or other barriers to your planned exercise. For example, if a sudden snowstorm traps you at home on a day you planned to swim laps at the pool, be ready to walk on the treadmill or try out some resistance activities (like abdominal crunches and leg curls). Even if you don’t enjoy your second-choice exercise as much, you can always distract yourself to make the time pass more pleasantly. Read a book or magazine, watch your favorite TV program, listen to music or a book on tape, or talk with a friend on the phone while you’re working out.

“Keeping an exercise routine can be a slippery slope—especially when you’re starting out,” says Dr. Colberg. “One roadblock can be all it takes to set you back. By having a backup plan, you are still keeping your body active in some capacity and are less likely to quit altogether.”

Schedule your workouts. You show up for your doctor’s appointments, so why should scheduling your physical activity be any different? Write your exercise down on your calendar or to-do list just like you would any other appointment. Scheduling it into your daily activities will help keep you from making excuses. If you already have the time blocked off, you will be more likely to do the activity.

“Never make the mistake of assuming exercise will happen just because you claim that you want to do it a certain number of days per week or month,” says Dr. Colberg. “It takes some planning ahead and the commitment to make it a priority.”

Take advantage of opportunities for “SPA time.” How many times have you driven around a parking lot to find a spot close to the door instead of just parking farther away and walking? When you do that, you’re missing out on an opportunity for spontaneous physical activity (SPA). There are plenty of ways to incorporate SPA into your daily routine. If you have a sedentary desk job, take the stairs rather than the elevator whenever you can. Walk to someone else’s office or the neighbor’s house to deliver a message instead of relying on the phone or email. Guess what? You’ve just gotten yourself more active without giving it much thought.

“Keep in mind that you don’t have to do activities at a high intensity for them to be effective,” says Dr. Colberg. “Adding in more daily movement in any way possible is likely to benefit your health. These could include gardening, doing housework, walking the dog, or even just standing while talking on the phone.”

Take small steps to get yourself back on track. Even after you’ve developed a normal activity routine, it can be easy to get off track. If you’re having trouble getting restarted, simply take small steps in that direction. You may find you need to start back at a lower intensity by using lighter weights, less resistance, or a slower walking speed. Don’t overdo it to make up for lost time. Starting out slowly with small steps will help you avoid burnout, muscle soreness, and injury.

“If you don’t want to exercise on a given day, make a deal with yourself that you’ll do it for a short time to get started,” says Dr. Colberg. “After all, getting started is often the hardest part. Even doing only 5 to 10 minutes at a time (rather than 30 minutes or more) is fine. After you’re up and moving, you may feel good enough to exceed the time you planned on doing in the first place. The key is to begin through any means possible.”

“When it comes to living with diabetes or prediabetes, exercise is very powerful medicine, and the side effects are all good ones,” concludes Dr. Colberg. “This is why it’s so important to get motivated and commit to an exercise routine, because it will change your life and put you on the road to wellness. Make 2018 the year that you take charge of your life, get fit, and discover better health at last.”

About the Author:

Sheri R. Colberg, PhD, FACSM, is the author of Diabetes & Keeping Fit For Dummies®. She is professor emerita of exercise science from Old Dominion University and an internationally recognized diabetes motion expert. She is the author of 12 books, 25 book chapters, and over 300 articles. She was honored with the 2016 American Diabetes Association Outstanding Educator in Diabetes Award. Contact her via her websites ( and

About the Book:

Diabetes & Keeping Fit For Dummies® (Wiley, February 2018, ISBN: 978-1-119-36324-8, $22.99) is available at bookstores nationwide, from major online booksellers, and direct from the publisher by calling 800-225-5945. In Canada, call 800-567-4797. For more information, please visit the book’s page on

RYAN MOSLEY × “Spotted Pyjamas”

Ryan Mosley

Spotted Pyjamas

15″ x 10.7″, archival pigment print

Signed edition of 50



Blending together art historical themes, styles, and movements with a unique sense of deadpan humor, Ryan Mosley’s paintings exist as contemporary tragicomedy. Mosely works through a spontaneous process, eschewing sketches and blueprints in favor of expressive brushstrokes and instinctual fields of color, resulting in scenes that reverberate with immediacy. Typically working to render trippy theatrical spaces filled with a carnivalesque juxtaposition of whimsy and melancholy, we have collaborated with Mosley to publish a print edition of Spotted Pyjamas, a focused portrait of an imagined character reminiscent of iconographic Byzantine motifs with a knowing wink. As Jennifer Higgie writes in Frieze Magazine, “Comedy — dark, light, and in-between — is never far off. Many of these paintings are like cartoons without a punchline and none the less for it.”

Ryan Mosley has recently mounted solo shows at Eigen+Art (Leipzig, Germany), Anatomy and the Wall (Alison Jacques Gallery (London, UK), Tim Van Laere Gallery (Antwerp), Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, and Tierney Gardarin (New York). Selected group exhibitions include Museums Sheffield (Sheffield, UK), Josh Lilley Gallery (London, UK), Brand New Gallery (Milan, Italy), Sadie Coles HQ (London, UK), Galerie Mikael Andersen (Copenhagen, Denmark) and Royal Academy of Arts (London, UK). Mosley was included in publications such as Vitamin P3 New Perspectives in Painting, published by Phaidon, Painter’s Painters, published by Saatchi Gallery, Picturing People, published by Thames and Hudson and 100 Painters of Tomorrow, published by Thames and Hudson. Ryan Mosley currently lives and works in Sheffield, UK.


Josh Smith at David Zwirner


Clockwise from top left:

Ryan Mosley, Kimia Ferdowsi Kline, Alice Tippit, and Sharon Madanes.

Photo credit: Arte Fuse




“Starting this month you’ll know her as your new playlist obsession.” – Marie Claire

“The tracks on Justine Skye’s first album, ULTRAVIOLET, are as infectious as her Brooklyn swagger.”  – Cosmopolitan 

ULTRAVIOLET finds the singer at her most confident.” –

Today, singer, songwriter, fashionista, and actress JUSTINE SKYE announces the dates for her first headlining North American Tour this spring. Tickets go on-sale HERE beginning March 1st.

Check out the full confirmed itinerary below.

JUSTINE is on the road in support of her full-length debut ULTRAVIOLET [Roc Nation]—available in stores and at all digital retailers now. Get it HERE.

This past week, she brought the house down at an Apple in-store event in Brooklyn, giving fans a taste of what to expect on the road. Just prior, she led the return of the TUMBLR IRL series in New York City. Simultaneously, she garnered praise from the likes of,,,, and more.

Additionally, her cinematic and high-energy video for  “Don’t Think About It” is quickly closing in on 1 million YouTube/VEVO views in under a month, while “Back For More” also recently eclipsed that milestone.

As she’s becoming known for knockout performances, don’t miss her on this upcoming tour!

JUSTINE SKYE has been quietly and diligently working on her craft since 2014. Produced exclusively by GRAMMY® Award-winning visionary The Dream, her 2016 EP8 Ounces earned praise from the likes of BillboardThe Fader, Genius, and more as Wonderland Magazine proclaimed her a “musical prodigy on the rise.” Her sphere of influence dramatically expanded yet again in 2017 as she became an ambassador for both True Religion and Forever 21 in addition to making her big screen debut in Green Dolphin.


3/1       Washington, D.C.

3/22     Philadelphia, PA

3/23     Boston, MA

3/24     New York, NY

3/26     Chicago, IL

3/27     Toronto, ON

3/29     Detroit, MI

4/1       Atlanta, GA

4/3       Dallas, TX

4/4       Houston, TX

4/7       Los Angeles, CA

4/8       San Francisco, CA*

*Supporting Marc E. Bassy


1 “Wasteland”

2 “Goodlove”

3 “U Don’t Know” [feat. WizKid]

4 “Back For More” [feat. Jeremih]

5 “Don’t Think About It”

6 “You Got Me”

7 “Heaven”

8 “Push Ya”

9 “Lil’ Boy”

10 “Best For Last”

SoHo Valentine’s Day 

It’s just about that time of year again – Valentine’s Day is around the corner! Whether you will be celebrating the romantic holiday with your partner this year or opting for the galantine’s route, SoHo is definitely the place to spend Valentine’s Day 2018. Here’s your complete guide:

Coziest Restaurants:

        Mamo323 W Broadway


        Il Mulino Prime331 W Broadway


Opting for the Staycation:

        SoHo Grand Hotel310 W Broadway


        SIXTY SoHo60 Thompson Street


        Arlo SoHo231 Hudson Street


Flowers Galore:

        Flora Theory186 Prince Street


        Shu’s Flower Design & Arrangement,179 Mulberry Street


Sweet Treats:

        Dominique Ansel Bakery189 Spring Street


        Ladureé SoHo398 West Broadway



        Bliss SoHo568 Broadway


        SoHo Gem367 W Broadway


        Everlane28 Prince Street




Just in time to celebrate Valentine’s Day, South African Airways Vacations® (SAA Vacations®), the leisure division of South African Airways is offering a 5-night air-inclusive experience in the beautiful city of Cape Town. Starting at just $1,999* per person (restrictions apply) travel from New York – JFK between April 01 – May 31, 2018, and August 11-31, 2018 and enjoy the breathtaking views and exhilarating activities in sophisticated Cape Town.

SAA Vacations’® “Love Cape Town” package offers a stay in one of the hottest new hotels in the city center, Tsogo Sun’s Sun Square Cape Town City Bowl. This modern hotel boasts a hip and fresh edgy design, free wi-fi, an onsite restaurant serving complimentary breakfast daily, great service and personalized hospitality. With its convenient central location, travelers can explore the city of Cape Town, the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, iconic Table Mountain and Lion’s Head and the trendy neighborhood restaurants and club scene of the “Mother City”.

The “Love Cape Town” package includes a Cape Point bike & hike tour. A fun way to experience the sights and sounds of the picturesque Cape Peninsula exploring the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve and enjoying the breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean from the summit at the Cape Point lighthouse. Also included is a Hop on Hop off Red City Tour, the easiest and most convenient way to visit Table Mountain, explore the City Bowl, Camps Bay, and the Atlantic Seaboard for the complete Cape Town adventure.

“The Love Cape Town package provides what active travelers are asking for at an incredibly affordable price.” said Terry von Guilleaume, president of SAA Vacations®. “Experience the breathtaking scenery of Cape Town and the Cape Point Peninsula with an exciting bike & hike activity as well as a hop on hop off bus tour to stretch those legs! This vacation package is a great introduction to the Mother City.”

“It’s fantastic to have a travel partner in South African Airways, which will make travelling to a world- class destination more accessible. said Enver Duminy, CEO of Cape Town Tourism. The “Love Cape Town” package has been carefully selected to provide a wonderful introduction to some of the best bucket list attractions and experiences the city has to offer. We look forward to welcoming our visitors and sharing everything with them, from our natural environment to our award-winning restaurants and bars.”

SAA Vacations® “Love Cape Town” Package Includes:

• Round-trip Economy Class air transportation from New York JFK Airport to Cape Town on South African Airways.

• 5-nights at the NEW Sun Square Cape Town City Bowl, on a bed and breakfast basis

• Full-day Cape Point, Bike and Hike Tour

• Full-day pass on the Hop on Hop off Red City Tour bus

• Airport transfers and meet and greet service by South African Airways Vacations representative in South Africa

“Love Cape Town” package is available for new reservations made as of February 01, 2018. Travelers can book by calling 1-855-359-7228 or their professional travel consultant. South African Airways Vacations offers air-inclusive vacation options for all budgets, with their African Specialist available to ensure their clients experience the vacation of their dreams. For more vacation packages throughout Africa, please visit

About South African Airways Vacations®

A division of South African Airways (SAA), South African Airways Vacations® (SAA Vacations®) is highly regarded for its wide array of affordable luxury packages to Africa and uses SAA’s extensive route network to create packages for travel throughout South Africa, Botswana, Victoria Falls, Namibia, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania, Senegal, Ghana and the Indian Ocean Islands. Offering more than 80 air-inclusive packages, which range from value to superb luxury. Our specialty-themed programs offer unique experiences, whether you are interested in safaris, culture, cuisine, romance and adventure. The program is managed and fulfilled by Destination Southern Africa (DSA), which was founded in 2001 and offers an extensive portfolio of tour programs with a variety of hotels, game lodges and safari companies throughout Southern Africa.

About South African Airways

South African Airways (SAA), South Africa’s national flag carrier and the continent’s most awarded airline, serves over 75 destinations worldwide in partnership with SA Express, Airlink and its low-cost carrier Mango. In North America, SAA operates daily nonstop flights from New York-JFK and direct flights from Washington D.C.-IAD (via Accra, Ghana and Dakar, Senegal) to Johannesburg. SAA has partnerships with United Airlines, Air Canada and JetBlue Airways, American Airlines and Virgin America, which offer convenient connections from more than 100 cities in the U.S. and Canada to SAA’s flights. SAA is a Star Alliance member and the recipient of the Skytrax 4-star rating for 15 consecutive years.

Like South African Airways Vacations on Facebook here Follow South African Airways Vacations on Twitter here. Like South African Airways on Facebook here. Follow South African Airways on Twitter here.

*Terms & Conditions –

Love Cape Town: Price is per person based on double occupancy. Valid as of February 01, 2018 for departures from New York-JFK between April 01 – May 31, 2018 and August 11-31, 2018 with the same itinerary available at higher prices during other travel periods. Other departure points and domestic flights within the U.S. can be booked. Price for other departure cities and/or travel dates may vary. Subject to availability and currency exchange rate fluctuations. Prices are valid for new bookings only, are not retroactive and may change without notice. Package includes all government and airline imposed taxes and fees. Baggage and optional service fees, cancellation charges and other restrictions may apply.


The Resistance is outnumbered…Luke Skywalker has finally been found…and the Rebels fight against a growing evil. The First Order will stop at nothing to conquer the galaxy, and it’s up to our heroes to defend it!

This May, writer Gary Whitta (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars Rebels) joins artist Michael Walsh (Star Wars Annual, Hawkeye, The Vision) for a thrilling adaptation of the hit blockbuster STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI, as they follow Rey, Poe and Finn in their adventures across the galaxy, featuring never-before-seen material!

The six-issue miniseries tells an all-new, exciting story that movie and comic fans alike will enjoy. It’s new Star Wars stories in a tale you already know: relive the magic of Rey’s heroism, Finn’s bravery and Poe’s daringness in STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI ADAPTATION, out this May!


Written by GARY WHITTA



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Anna Maria 

NYC Based Singer/Songwriter


Unleashes Brand New Single


The Song Combines A Refreshing Mix of Pop and R&B with Incredibly Passionate Vocal Stylings

With a New Year almost beginning, and on the heels of her latest release “Affection” (now available via iTunes, Spotify, Amazon & more), NYC based Singer/Songwriter Annamaria is getting ready to hit the ground running as she continues to conquer the NYC music scene and beyond!

The city has breathed new life, and taking center stage with poise beyond her years is 17yr old Annamaria!

The Singer/Songwriter has been honing her craft for as long as she can remember, saying “I always listened to music and wondered what my own words would sound like along with it. One day I finally sang and played along with a song on the radio…and I was hooked!

Working with Emmy Award-winning producer/singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Eren Cannata (son of Billy Joel saxophonist Richie Cannata), she has been writing and producing music – all original, radio-ready, and all immediately viable. Pairing the two was not coincidental, but a canny move by the young talent’s manager – John Casale. “I wanted a producer who’d be sensitive to Annamaria’s music and serve it well. Richie was the one, his experience and taste shows in every note.” Adds Cannata, “Eren and Annamaria have worked so well together. She’s the most prolific young artist we have worked with in years. She is on her way to great success in this industry!”.  

With her latest track “Affection”, she’s begun sending out to the world her own brand of fresh new R&B and Soul laden pop music with a distinctly powerful vocal edge. “Kiss me, love me, like no one’s in the room // You miss me, you want me, then show me you do // Need your love and attention, all your affection” sings Annamaria in the sleek and passionate track the brings her smooth vocal tones to the forefront over a subtle yet powerful backing track.

Though she lists her favorite artists as Tori Kelly, Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson, Demi Lovato, and Christina Aguilera – her own music remains truly original. And with a full record release imminent along with groundwork being laid for her first tour, it won’t be long until Annamaria’s music is everywhere!

To Purchase Annamaria’s Latest Single “Affection” via iTunes, VISIT:

LISTEN: Annamaria’s “Affection” via Spotify

For More Information on Annamaria, VISIT:

Instagram: @AnnamariaaOfficial

Twitter: @AnnamariasMusic